Hey all its been awhile.....I'll be honest I got HOOKED on Face Book and have kinda negelected my Blog--however I do miss my friends I have made on here....so I am gonna try to keep up with it~~
Sat. I had a fun filled day= it started about 8:30 am when Jason and Carter left for a tournament in Owensboro- I had the day to myself---what was I gonna do??!!! Well I called Leah, my sister-in-law up and she and I headed out to do some loafing!!! We love to do that!!! We went to the 4 rivers craft show.......I purchased 4 primitive pieces for Christmas gifts (sorry no pic) and also a baby gift.. Leah however bought an awesome primitive black bowl rack.... it is way cool--she also got a cool primitive pumkin. Ok onto the next stop......we headed towards Oakland City and turned at Arthur junction to go to a little shop along the way----Ok now I know most of you would not stop at a place like this----but we live for it!!! Get inside this place and it is so cozy and neat!!!!! {See.... you should of stopped ;) anyways===I am looking for a huge braided rug and she had them. She invited us into her log cabin home right behind the shop to see the real macoy!! OM it was neat!!! What a darling log cabin....ok now onto the next stop and down the road.....one of our favorites.....'Ol Country Woodshed........love it-we were just there like 2 weeks ago-but I needed to go back to get more curtains....so we had a 5 minute time limit in there....haha NOT! We both had to check it out again......got my curtains and a fall piece and headed out the door.....now we are headed back to Jasper and I decided since Leah had never been to Elements in Ireland we would just stop and take a peek.....well......needless to say we were in and out in 5 minutes == we ran into a lady that has a log cabin and I told her how cute it was and she welcomed us to come anytime.......I was like WHEN {we had been to 1 already why not another?}she said -we can go now----- soooooooo...you got it we headed right back out the door (sorry Kathy=we will be back) and MAN ALIVE was it ever CUTE and COZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!just what I figured from going by all the time--It is in Shiloh----seen it havent you!?! OMG I could of just lived on the front porch!! I did not want to leave-from the front porch to the back porch and EVERYTHING inbetween it was sooooo neat!!!!!! What a fun day we had!!!! Until next time.........hope we can get some more tours in!!! Anyone interested??
9 months ago